The Prettiest Town in Turkey

Amasya’s charm and interest derives from several sources, the first being nature. Situated in a narrow valley along a beautiful, winding river, the old city is flanked on its north side by a sheer rock face and on the south by hillside nearly as precipitous. At what point does a rock become a mountain? I don’t know, but I can report that those that enclose Amasya are awesome in their size and proximity.

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Heat – A Blue Trip in Turkey

July 2005

In A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson observes that “Earth is not the easiest place to be an organism.” This is especially true if the organism in question is one of us, for as Bryson continues, “in terms of adaptability, humans are pretty amazingly useless. Of the small portion of the planet’s surface that is dry enough to stand on, a surprisingly large amount is too hot or cold or dry or steep or lofty to be of much use to us.”

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Kiev Was a Gas

May 19-23, 2005

We doubt that Kyiv (you may know it as Kiev), the capitol of Ukraine, is on many of your short lists of places to visit, but perhaps it should be. We were intrigued enough to go there by a single line in a newspaper article which speculated that, as a tourist destination, Kyiv may soon become the next Prague. Continue reading Kiev Was a Gas

Sottish Beer and Scottish Weather

Scottish beer is predictable while Scottish weather is not. I start with these facts because weather and beer figured so prominently in our travels in Scotland. About the weather: We knew, for example, with a fair degree of certainty that each day would contain some rain and some sun. What we couldn’t know were their frequency and proportions. Some days it would rain ten times, not hard nor long, just frequently. These bouts of rain would sometimes be interrupted by periods of sunlight so clear and intense that everything in sight would be transfigured. ‘Changeable’ is how the Scots understate their weather. ‘Dramatic’ is a better word because when one is out of doors for hours at a time, the Scottish countryside becomes a theater where the weather assumes the featured role.

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Our First Look at Istanbul

February 2004

Dear Friends,

If you’re thinking of going to Istanbul in January, beware! No, we’re not referring to terrorist bombs or earthquakes; our threat is much more mundane. We’re talking about the WEATHER. Gloves, scarf and a warm hat may become your most prized possessions. And boots ― yes, those things that take up so much room in your suitcase ― don’t leave them behind as we did or, like us, you’ll be shopping for new ones in Istanbul.

Continue reading Our First Look at Istanbul

Report From Prague

August, 2003

After our retirement in 2001 Kay and I thought it would be fun to live as expatriates for a few years. To prepare to live in other countries we enrolled at New York City’s New School to earn TESOL certificates. Our idea of teaching English to speakers of other languages was not in order to earn our living but rather to give ourselves a focus abroad and to better integrate ourselves into whichever country or countries we chose to live in. The culmination of our program was to do a three-week practicum in which we would teach a class under the supervision of an experienced TESOL instructor in order to show we had learned our lessons. Along with seven of our classmates, we had the opportunity to do our praticum in Prague. Following is an account of our experience.

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Learning Italian in Lecce

In July of 2003, Kay and I spent two weeks at the Domus Aurea language school at Lecce, in the Italian province of Apulia. I regret that I wasn’t keeping my journal at the time, so I don’t have the kind of day-today record of what happened that I keep nowadays.

Looking over my photos of the trip, I see that most are of sites we visited on weekend excursions sponsored by the school. It’s a shame that neither Kay nor I can remember the names of the classmates that appear in some of the photos.

Anyway, before I lose any more of my memories of our stay, I want to put them down here in no particular order.

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Bella Italia

In March of 2002, Kay and I along with friend Kathy took a trip to Italy. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep a journal of this trip, so what I’m writing here years later are a few things that I remember. Looking at the photos of the things we saw, memories of the trip have been on my mind.

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New York City After 9/11

It’s been almost two weeks since the obscene incident we New Yorkers now refer to as the World Trade Center Explosions changed the life of our city so grotesquely. Since that morning of September 11th – a date that like December 7th, 1941 will live in infamy – I, along with most other New Yorkers, have been trying to come to terms with what has happened to us. Here are some of my thoughts and recollections.

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